Iphoney – Word of the day

July 11, 2008

With the release of the Iphone 2.0 today, no word of the day could be better fitting, or much cleverer!


A cell phone which copies the look and features of an iPhone.

Thanks urbandictionary!!!

For a look at more iphoneys, check out this link

Iphone firmware 2.0 cracked even before it’s release.

March 12, 2008

The title about sums it all up.

My thoughts – why would you do that? Apple only has to delay release, fix the bugs that allow the exploit and release it.


Stop toying with my memory!

February 28, 2008

I just found this on engadget. Cute lego usb keys, they all come in a 1 gig flavor. I wonder how many gigs it would take to build a castle….


Best FireFox AddOn Ever!

February 8, 2008

I’ve been using firefox for some time, but not really used add on’s all that much. I’ve had greasemonkey installed(with different scripts to modify my facebook, my gmail etc) and UnPlug(to download Youtube Videos).

Last night, I installed PicLens. I have to say this is one of the best addons I have ever used.


This is 3d picture viewer, which creates a highly interactive scroll for any picture search done on any webpage on Firefox. It even works on Facebook photo albums! Really fun and highly addictive to use.

Check it out to enhance your Image search experiences. My only gripe with it is, you can’t right click on the pictures when you are in the piclens interface to download to your hard drive. Nonetheless, I derived hours of fun from playing around with it(you can tell theres nothing to do in Kuwait)!…

More info here

(pic courtesy of PicLens)

Kuwaitis do it better…

October 22, 2007

Today, I was awed by the marvels of architectural feats achieved by the Americans in this article.

Basically, theres a monster elevator in a brand new condo complex that allows you to drive into it, carrying both you and your car to x floor and you can park right next to your condo.

Check out the video here

I mentioned this to a friend at work, since it was the first time I had ever heard about it. He told me that they already have this in Salmiya, and some other place( I didn’t quite catch the name). Apartments with ensuite garages start from KD1700 a month.


Who said Kuwait was getting left behind in the technology race?

I-Bricked your phone? You may qualify for Apple Pie

October 7, 2007

Update: In response to the stupid move by apple to block the unlock of the iphone, a number of iphone users are participating in a class action lawsuits to try and put apple in their place.

Honestly, I had more respect for Jobs before pulling this dumb maneuver.

I hope that they can pull this off to set up a precedent for Google or any other company that’s planning to come up with a smartphone in the near future.

More news on Engadget

1.1.1 bad apple …..

September 29, 2007

I try to give updates on the newest happenings. This just in…

An update in firmware from Apple renders the unlock and unlicensed third party apps useless. In fact, a lot of people that have had this update done unknowingly can’t even use their phones on AT&T!

A word to the wise. Don’t upgrade/update your iphone if you dont have to. The new update patch, 1.1.1, is under scrutiny by a lot of hacking groups out there trying to best apple once more.

This being said, I hope that this brings out the best in a lot of Dev groups out there. I hope what happened to the PSP happens to the iphone. Homebrew apps would really explode on the iphone front if that happened.

Also, a shake of the head at apple for being sneaky. They should have never limited their network to AT&T. I predict them losing market share with this stupid maneuver.

Info for IPhone Unlock

September 13, 2007

I just found the following site which will provide you with details on how to unlock the iphone using the worlds first open source Iphone Unlocking Kit.

Remember, though, that this is at your own risk. I am NOT responsible if you brick your Iphone.

Here it is.

I can’t believe my I’s!

September 13, 2007


Yesterday, I saw the live unlocking of a 4 gig Iphone. While it does take some effort, it can be done.

A friend of ours spent a good part of his evening finding the right software and managed to do it. The iphone belonged to his boss, and the boss had promised to give it to him if he could unlock it.

He did it.

Strange thing though, although the phone accepted a MTC sim card, it could only make outgoing calls. When we tried calling the MTC number it just wouldn’t go through.

The friend who spent over 3 hours doing it was beat( it was 1 am at night) and said he would continue tomorrow. Still, very cool.

UPDATE: Later that night, a sleepy friend of mine got a phone call from the IpodUnlocker asking him to call back.  He did. It worked. Iphone completely unlocked!!

A whiff of technology

September 13, 2007

I was perusing through some blogs at work today and came accross something that was very interesting.

A new technology that assigns smells to different websites and games making the experience all the more interactive.

Imagine going into an e-cookbook and being able to smell each recipe. Or get a smell of the hotdogs and grass when you’re watching a baseball game. 

 I’ve always said that Futurama is an acurate depiction of the fate of our children. Soon we’ll be sniffing away at the galaxysmelloscope.jpg

Once they perfect this, I really hope they start working on the taste function.

More info here